Saturday, February 19, 2011

Semeter three and me

I have started semeter three now and at first I thought its easy and its easy but now i have littlewith writing and i dont know what the reson is. I tray to work  hard and I cant make up my mind with new idea like befor.

I know if it stay like that its going to be a big problem with me and will make me fail but I wont give up steel am alive and its worth to fight for to pass this semester. I realy want to pass this semester and its depend on how I am studyign or the way I study.

The good thing that there is people want to help me and corect mistskes.For example the teacher he or she help us even my friends helps me and that is good because I can learn from my mistakes whish it wont happend and it will keep improve my knowledge and writing skills.

I hope I wont have any problems in writing by the time. I hope every one who are going to read this txt to work hard and hard because its the key for better future.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The holiday

I had three weeks holiday and it was interesting. I had fun and hang out with ma friends we went to Atlantes in Dubai I was realy nice time. I could sleep and weak up any time I want.

On saturday I am going start collede I will enter semester 3 and I don't know how its going to be. I am not afread but I hope its going to be easy or me and all of my friends and the most interisting thing that I am going to see new faces in the college

sleeping time is finished and its time for working hard.

I wish all the best for studnt who study in CBFS all the best in thier studies.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

If I Could Be Invisibl eFor One Day What I would Do?

If I could be Invisible for one day only one day. I think people better to run awy because I would do many crazy things. I would drive car fast to let the people the the car drives it self which it would make the scream. I would be like a gost and make people scare and run awy. I would be like a zombi. I would made scaary sound and voices. I would travel to many places in first class in Oman air line.

I hope every one enjoy what I wrote but dont scare from me because its just a dream.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

My plan for the next holiday

We are going to have one week holiday from 25 Desember 2011 to 29 and I am planing to goaround the gulf by my car.

Frist I have to buy a GPS then I will go to Abu Dabi than I am going to Sudia Arebia. From there I will go to Qatar. I will go around them and visit many places. After that I'm going back to Sudia Arebia and from there I will go to Bahrain because I heard about it to much and I want to see every thing from my own eyes. Fainaly I will go back to Oman to home sweet home.

I'm realy looking forword for it and very exciting.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

What I am going to do in this Vacation

We are having a vecation for five days starting frome the day after tomorrow on 7th to 11th of Decembe. I am thinking to travel to Dubai to visit my cosins and my brother who work in Dubai. Also I want to tour there and visit  many water land Al Nakheel city and other places. I want to enjoy my vacation as most as I can. Finaly when I get back I will spend my time studying and preparing for the exam because I want to score mor than the last exam which I did it last month.
I hope every one spend his time in good thing and enjoying.
best wishes.
Ali Al-Hinai  

Saturday, November 27, 2010

My future job

Every one his own dream, his own ambition in future about what he want to work and I am going to tell you about my future job that I want it.

Frist I am studying in C.B.F.S now and I am taking ELS course. I am working hard to finish this cours and I am planing to specialize in Humen Resources. Do you know why i want that?
Because I feel thats my goal and its I have one member in my family who work in that. He told me every thing about Humen Resource I realy liked it. You can have a good salary and mor holidays. In future It will help me to open my own bussiness. Than I will earn mony as mush as i want.

I will work hard to work and get what I want. I hope you like what I wrote

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Comparesion city and town

In this world , there are a several kinds of life which can be chosen by people,
but the most common choices are the country life and the city life.
There are similarities and differences between the country life and the city life.
Hence , this essay will compare and contrast these kinds of life , as well as showing that the city life is a better life until retirement and the country life is the best choice for a rest after a hard work in life .

There are big differences between the education in the city and the country.
The city people are more educated and open-minded whereas the country people are usually illiterate.
Moreover , it is only possible to get the basic education it the country. However , the city people can get as far as they want. In addition , it is hard to get the further studies it the country simply because the universities are usually located in the cities. Thus ,the city life is the better choice for the one who wants the good education.

People have a different ways to work in the city and country.
Earning money in the city are usually by the mental work whereas by the physical work in the country.
Even though city people have an easier work with higher income they have to spend most of their money on the rent, bills, fees, etc.
However country people don’t have to worry about those things, so they have a bigger chance to save their money.
Hence, working in the city is much easier than working in the country, but saving money is mostly impossible in the city.

Life is more peaceful and relaxed in the country.
Due to the the transportation and the crowds in the city it is impossible to find peace and quiet. Moreover , the environment is polluted in the city whereas it is clean and beautiful in the country.
What’s more, the life is faster in the city and there are a lot of things to be worried about it unlike the country.

To conclude , the city life can be better because of the high income, easy work and the good education.
However , the country life is the best choice for a glorious rest after a life of hard work.