Sunday, October 31, 2010

My English exam and my Math exam

I'm going to have an English exam in 6th of November and the Math exam in 13th of November. I know this exam is going to be harder than the last month and difficult but I don't have any problems with it because I already started to study a few days ago and I'm working hard for it. I want to score the highest marks in the class and mor than the last month exam.

However, There is the only thing what I'm afread of and it's the Math exam. I know in some of you Math is easy but for me its hard and I realy need some help with it. I realy don't know what to do.I wanted to ask the boys to help me but they are as same as me week in math and I wanted to ask girls who are gting on well with math but I can't because I will become nervos and I'm not going on well with them. I realy need advice from you guys please.

best wishes.


  1. If u want help I can help u and explain what I know in math
    I am waiting for ur response
    all the best

  2. thanks alot I realy need it but I don't know you?

  3. u can choose any time and I'll help u

  4. Braaat

    Can you change the color when you write >_<

    All the best
