Sunday, October 31, 2010

Advantages and diadvantages of using weblog

Every one like to write in his diary but some of them like to write in weblog. I like to write in weblog because its interesting and fun way to share the world with information and new ideas but there are some advantages and diadvantages of using weblog.

First of all that weblog can make us improve our writing skills and write continously because there are some pepole who are seen our weblog and tell us whats our mistake and that help us to improve our writing skills. Second advantage that it help us to communicat in reading other wedlogs. Moreover, writing some comments for other and learning frome othe comment which takes me to the last advantage. Its easy and relax envirment whish help us to express our feeling and ideas.

However, there are some advantages of using weblog. First of all that it can be addictive because some people using it alot mor than it need which make them to be addict of it. It can reduce the communication. Second it take long time to tiype for those who aren't familiar with key board. The last disadvantage that we should know what to tiype and how to tiype every thing.

In Conclusion, weblog is the best way to share every thing with others around the world. I like weblog because it help me to express my feelings.

My English exam and my Math exam

I'm going to have an English exam in 6th of November and the Math exam in 13th of November. I know this exam is going to be harder than the last month and difficult but I don't have any problems with it because I already started to study a few days ago and I'm working hard for it. I want to score the highest marks in the class and mor than the last month exam.

However, There is the only thing what I'm afread of and it's the Math exam. I know in some of you Math is easy but for me its hard and I realy need some help with it. I realy don't know what to do.I wanted to ask the boys to help me but they are as same as me week in math and I wanted to ask girls who are gting on well with math but I can't because I will become nervos and I'm not going on well with them. I realy need advice from you guys please.

best wishes.

My speaking test

Yesterday was my speaking test and I wasn't ready because they told us suddenly yesterday about the exam. I didn't know what to do. I was really nervos not as usual. Whenever i I have any exam I'm always trustful and trust my self but yeterday i realy missed up :(. I don't know whay to do only to pray and ask allah to seccess all my exam and not me all o you my friends.

all the best.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

My last holiday

My last holiday was last year in Eid Al Adha vacation. We went to Wadi Shab with my family and with six fourweels cars. We have prepared every thing for the journysuch as tent, sardan, coolbooks, ice, meat, rise, drinks, coal ...etc. We stated the journy at 6:00. we drove until we reach the place at 8:00. We put the tent and started to have fun and semming. I was playing with my lovely nephew. Its a such beautiful place. I saw many tourists there. We staied there till 5:00 PM. It was a wonderfull holiday.

you sould tray to go there and you will see how it beautiful it is. I advice people to tour in Oman because there are many places in Oman worth to visit.

All the best and have fun guys.

Rule and Sayings

Content lodges oftener in cottages than palaces

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man
healthy, wealthy, and wise

Cowards die many times before their death

Charity begins at home

Time will soon teach you what you were ignorant of

Actions speak louder than words

The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget." -

Quality education is the best investment for your future

Two Heads Are Better Than One

One Must Consult His Friends When He Wants To Take An Important Decision

Four Eyes See More Than Two

Of Two Eviles . Choose The Least

Bad Is Better Than Worse

All Men Are Mortal No One Will Live For Ever Every One Must Die

Truth Needs No Colours Truth Is Clear By Itself

اMuch Cry Little Wool Some People Speak More They Work

Life Has Many Ups And Downs

Things Change From Time To Time

Plough Deep And You Will Get Plenty Of Corn

If You Work Hard You Will Get Good Results

Many Hands Make Light Work

Do Not Start A Troubles When Thinqs Are Quiet

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Life in Oman in the past and now.

Oman in the past and now. It has both good things and bad things i those to. Im going to tell you about it. First I'm going to write a bout Oman in the past.

In the past Oman were like wadies there were no roads, no bildings. no hotels, no hospitals and schools. people were traveling by donkies and by wolking and it took them many day and many hours to the place were they wanted to go. Also people were dieing in the street whlie they walking and bury in the same place. There were no hospitals to help them. It was not much deseases like now in the future. People were helthy and strong they were walking to much long ways. They were studying under the trees. Even the houses were mad of mud. People were traveling to sell thier doods and stuf. It was no serveces at.

Every day Oman is shanging and it has shanged alot since 1970 when Sultan Qabus become the ruler and the leader of Oman. he asked the government to build schools and hospitals. Then it become many serveces such as electrisity, communication and phones. People now can travel by cars and aero planes. If the get sick there is an ambulance which it come whenever people need it. Now there is salotion for every problems. People now can find better jobs with good salary the can do and buy whatever they want. There is internet whish has shanged Oman alot. It made it like a small village. Now we can send a letter to every where in a minutes.

That was the different between  Oman in the past and now I hope every one enjoying reading what I wrote and thanks alot.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Employment in oman in the past and now

Jobs and workers is very important to support the Omani economy each one has an important role to support the economy and this project will be talking about jobs in the past and present and future.

In the past because of a few posts were told that the community finds in any evolving Such Kano parents and grandparents work in agriculture and fishing therefore was traders where they were going on Trade and culminated several days and months.
The farm planted amount to a simple silent hunger children.
In the present
The post currently has changed some from the past as currently practised medicine, teaching and industry in various Majallat such as the auto industry these posts have reassured people the cars in the past was not widespread and medicine Kanwanas many of whom die because of diseases and the emergence of Medicine after the situation has changed completely from before. Angry God Come on everything.

Employment In the future maybe many people will work in the private sector and have more many

I read this in and I loved it. I wanted to share it with you and I hope every one like it.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

When I had my first accident

One day I was sleeping and suddenly my sister called me in the morning. She wanted me to take her college book to her because she forget it. I was realy annoyed because she called me and I was having such a nice dream then I told her ok so I got up and went to bath room to wash my face. Then I went out miosture in the front window of my car so I take of with my car and went out. While I was driving in the steet I felt like some thing is going to happen but I wasnt sure. I stoped to turn right suddenly while I was turning one car came fast and i didnt see it until I heard big crash and I realy got shocked. Nothing happened to me and I went out of the car and saw nothing hapened to the other car but his car wos cancel. It was realy bad acciden.

The police came and ask many questions then we went to the police station to finish everthing. At the same day we went to the insurance and I paid 100 RO for the insurance.

I realy was sceraed and I wont forget it because it was the first time for me. And I want to advice every one who drive and who steel car from thire parents to drive carefully if they want to live.